Ticket: Tellington TTouch For Healthy Pets and Horses Seminar at World of Pets Expo, Timonium, MD


Tickets are now available for the Tellington TTouch For Healthy Pets & Horses Seminar with Sally Morgan, PT CST. 

Behavior problems are often connected to pain and tension in the body and in this workshop you will learn some techniques to work with your pet or horse. Tellington TTouch was developed by internationally-recognized animal expert Linda Tellington-Jones. Working with Linda Tellington-Jones for over 35 years, Sally is one of the top TTouch Practitioners in the world and will be bringing the gift of TTouch to our show. Tellington TTouch is a specialized approach to the care and training of our companion animals and horses. It can help you understand and influence your animal with your heart and hands in a way that develops trust, creates a harmonious relationship and changes unwanted behavior. Please bring your pets to the workshop so that you can learn TTouches that are particularly helpful to their specific needs. Sally has particular expertise in horses, dogs, cats and rabbits.

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Tellington TTouch For Healthy Pets & Horses – with Sally Morgan, PT CST

Behavior problems are often connected to pain and tension in the body and in this workshop you will learn some techniques to work with your pet or horse. Tellington TTouch was developed by internationally-recognized animal expert Linda Tellington-Jones. Working with Linda Tellington-Jones for over 35 years, Sally is one of the top TTouch Practitioners in the world and will be bringing the gift of TTouch to our show. Tellington TTouch is a specialized approach to the care and training of our companion animals and horses. It can help you understand and influence your animal with your heart and hands in a way that develops trust, creates a harmonious relationship and changes unwanted behavior. Please bring your pets to the workshop so that you can learn TTouches that are particularly helpful to their specific needs. Sally has particular expertise in horses, dogs, cats and rabbits.



Date: Saturday, January 26, 10:30 am – 12:30pm

Tickets Cost: $50 per person

Venue: Maryland State Fairgrounds, 2200 YORK ROAD, Timonium MD, 21093

Sally A Morgan PT CST TTEAM
Pet Behavior Solutions & Hands-On Healing

Website: Sally Morgan PT 
Author of Amazon bestseller “Dances of the Heart – Connecting with Animals” 

Sally Morgan PT CST Facebook: Sally Morgan PT
Craniosacral Therapy for Animals Facebook: Craniosacral Therapy For Animals


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